"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

Congratulations! You are reading the random thoughts and idle ideas of an Englishman in Tanzania.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Small world.

I have reached the dizzy heights of celebrity. Today I was recognised by a complete stranger in a bar (small shack with an open fire in the corner serving warm beer). I was very surprised to be identified as I hadn't noticed I was so conspicuous....

Well I hit the big time with this *one and have secured a ride, tomorrow, back from the wilderness to the sprawling metropolis, that is Arusha, which should shave a few hours of the trip.

Happy days. The foray into cartographics has been a long and often tiring pursuit but my dedication is ceaseless and I will let you know when I have this town figured out.

P.s. This place is nice but have any of you been to Clapham?

*somebody who recognised me from a posh hotel where after scaling the fence and evading the baton wielding security guards I had blagged a drink.


  1. I thought Africa was hot so why do they have an open fire in a bar?
