"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

Congratulations! You are reading the random thoughts and idle ideas of an Englishman in Tanzania.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Holiday in Arusha!

Today was a public holiday here in Arusha. Not only did most of the general populace take a break but it appears the electricity supply companies also decided to take a holiday from providing power. I had a meeting arranged this morning but apparently the guy who was meant to see me also decided to take a holiday and I was left standing outside an empty office for an hour or so. I was due to move in with an African family but, I guess, they were on holiday too.

On the upside it's sunny here and at least some of the beer providing establishments remained open which, as a proper Brit abroad, I took advantage of and let me assure you one thing the Tanzanians do do well is make beer. According to my German friend this is a throw back to when there was a German presence out here.

Of course he's never tried quality British beer and has no idea what the brewers at Carling and *Tennants have got to teach our Tanzanian cousins.

There is a mini ecosystem developing in my room and whilst at the last count I was defeating the cockroaches that scuttle across the walls, floor and desk, nine to zero, the ants are thriving on my veracious culling. Yin and Yang I suppose? The holiday is over tomorrow for myself and the ants and it really begins for the cockroaches. I am once again scheduled to leave my 'hotel' and move into my new home. I have a feeling that life with my new family will not be any more luxurious than my current existence and have been assured that where there should be a nice clean lavatory there will, instead, be a hole in a small room you don't want to spend any time at all. Maybe my time would be better spent working for a charity to introduce Western WCs to Arusha, or in pest control, or maybe not?

*For those unfamiliar, with such fine beverages, special attention should be paid to the Flagship brew aka Tennants Super. Enjoyed by down-and-outs the length and breadth of our great nation


  1. Jambo Dam.I am enjoying your blogs, and can picture you out there.Great experiance. I would wright this in Swahili for you but my spelling in English is not that great, so in swahili would be impossible! I have been sitting here for the last four weeks, haveing broken my leg in two places,so to be able to follow you in Africa is great. Enjoy it all.Kwahari Gina

  2. Saffi Gina,

    Very sorry to hear about the leg! I am sure your Swahili is better than mine. I know now that I am playing to at least a gallery of one....

    Get well soon. x
