"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

Congratulations! You are reading the random thoughts and idle ideas of an Englishman in Tanzania.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Too many have dispensed with generosity in order to practice charity.

A big thank you to Ben, Drew, Jon, Brian B. and most of all Mat O.  for your charity and generosity in getting another laptop and helping to *deliver it to African communities who really need this kind of help.

The title of today post is a quote from Albert Camus who, for one reason or another, has been featuring rather heavily in my life in the last few years. I have a friend who owns multiple copies of L'etranger all in different languages and, to his credit, I believe he has read it in at least three. There was some discussion between us about whether this is simply to impress girls and whether it actually would have this effect? So, if there are any single ladies who are impressed by this please let me know so I can settle this debate once and for all (and pass on your details to my good, Albert Camus-loving, pal.....).

I am still waiting for my chickens to arrive but, come hell or high water, I will have them nesting in their respective coops by the end of this week! I have also completed a stock take on all-but-one of my grant recipients and am very pleased to report that all my businesses, apart from the chickens which are yet to materialise, and a lady that has been ill for the last ten days, have shown signs of growth since their conception and one or two of them are looking very encouraging indeed.

Camus was once asked by a friend which he preferred, football or the theatre? Camus is said to have replied, "Football, without hesitation." ...and this from a Nobel prize-winning author! I think he would turn in his grave he could see the type of people that play professional football today.

*It has not arrived yet but I have my fingers crossed.


  1. I take it you're refering to Ben McCormack...
    I've only got the original English version!

  2. McCormack only has L'Etranger in two languages! You know who I refer to Jesus....

  3. Okay, okay. It's me, but I don't like to blow my own trumpet.
