"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

Congratulations! You are reading the random thoughts and idle ideas of an Englishman in Tanzania.

Monday, 14 June 2010

The day is for honest men, the night for thieves.

Euripides never spoke a truer word I don't think..?

I went out on Friday evening with a couple of friends and when we got back to the hotel it was discovered that money and a laptop were missing from one of our rooms. The keys had been left at reception when we went out so it had to be one of the hotel staff, or if it was one of the guests they were conscientious enough to lock the door once the theft was complete and very kindly return the key to the receptionist, which I find highly unlikely.

The computer was due to be delivered to a very remote area in Tanzania where it would have been put to good use in a pretty desperate community. Obviously this is not going to happen now.... I confronted the manager of the hotel about the missing computer and his only response was one of complete apathy and to pretend that suddenly he had lost the ability to speak English. My response to this was to wave wads of cash around the police station and have the entire hotel staff arrested. When all the staff were languishing in the cells, on the advice of the Tanzanian detective, I took the opportunity to check myself out of the hotel.

Whilst neither of these actions led to the computer being returned it did make me feel a whole lot better and slightly more wealthy as I am refusing to pay the outstanding bill at the hotel until I get my computer back.

I learnt three valuable lessons from this incident;

1. Don't leave your room key at hotel reception.
2. Throwing money at your problems out here really gets results.
3. Never stay at Monjes C and always have a backup hotel!

I am currently staying in a more upmarket establishment, not because I can afford it because I can't but, because it is going to be extremely difficult to find a hotel that was as cheap and as the one I was in (maybe that's because they make all their money from stealing their guests possessions!!).

Other than this and the fact that the US managed a draw against the UK in the World Cup not too much else for me to report.

Below is a picture of some mountains and a cow I took this morning.

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