"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

Congratulations! You are reading the random thoughts and idle ideas of an Englishman in Tanzania.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Trumpet in a herd of elephants; crow in the company of cocks; bleat in a flock of goats.

I've been trying to go native but, as I have probably mentioned before, it is very hard to convince anybody here that you are anything but, a Western tourist, who needs to be relieved of their money as quickly as humanly possible, and blending in is not really an option.

My host family took me to a goat restaurant last night and the eldest daughter led me directly to the kitchen, past dozens of pairs of curious eyes all wandering what the Mzungu is doing in their favourite eatery, so I could choose the meat for myself...

Not exactly the Ritz but, then I never thought it would be and by god, it tasted great!


  1. Is it the same goat that aroused from the earlier picture Dame?

    All good here thank you Damybobs, the Fredford just going to bed as I type. All our glove, Revd Bwoo.

  2. Different goat. Same result?

    Give my best to Fredford and the Miacat. Will you conduct my marriage ceremony by the way?

  3. When are you planning to get hitched??

    Gladly anyway. Will get the Moose-heads ready.

    When you back? Will have some beers on you on sat night as out with school-types. Will have to make sure I get a nap in before I go out though...
