"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

Congratulations! You are reading the random thoughts and idle ideas of an Englishman in Tanzania.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

A day in the life...

08:30 : Wake up as eldest son in house blares out African pop music.
08:31 : Contemplate how upset this unexpected alarm call makes me.
08:32 : Back to sleep.
09:00 : Extremely annoying ring tone-alarm goes off.
09:05 : Collect water for shower, shower, shave etc., etc....
09:45 : Leave house to catch daladala (see previous posts for more detailed description of over crowded death trap/bus).
09:46-10:00 : Walk to main road with dozens of people, young and old, constantly reminding you that you are white (in case you forget I suppose?).
10:30 : Arrive on Sokoine Rd. (central Arusha).
10:30-11:30 : Buy Indian made football (rip-off at £22.50!!!!!). Meet former volunteer from *remand centre and current volunteer. Arrive at remand centre after short walk from town centre.
11:31-13:30 : Meet Governor of remand centre and the current residents. Talk about how life could be better for all concerned and persuade fellow volunteer she should spend some time in the prison fantastic teaching environment.
13:31-16:00 : Walk back to central Arusha to posh hotel, buy beer, sit by pool and contemplate how terrible life is for some people. Meet more volunteers and talk about how to improve life for aforementioned 'some people'.
16:00-16:30 : Walk to office, meet more charity workers, go to local street bar to drink more beer and discuss how lucky we are and how nice beer is, ways to give beer to the poor and transfer luck.
16:31-17:00 : Witness car pull up, two distressed men being forced out of the car into the back of the very bar I am sitting in. Listen to two grown men cry and beg whilst being physically beaten.
17:01-17:30 : Pretend it's not happening. Watch one of the current assailants go back to the car and produce specially prepared instruments of torture to further beat victims with. Listen to further beatings being administered and try not listen to, assumed, cries for mercy.
17:31-18:30 : Learn from waitress that two men being beaten were thieves and this is 'local justice'. Discuss merits of such a justice system and what it might bring to the UK. Get taxi, head home.
18:31-Present : Buy water from local kiosk. Talk with loved ones. Write blog...

*A secure unit where either prisoners, already serving their terms are held but, more commonly, where those still awaiting trial are contained.


  1. So, just wanted to add something to your blog.... you just got pissed on by a monkey. I am still pissing myself but I think you got enough for today. Luckely he missed us when taking a shit.
    T.I.A my friend (this is africa)

  2. Sounds like working in advertising Me Snee.
